Wednesday, October 27, 2010

See Me

We see emotion everyday through our words, our actions and through our expressions.
We unsettle each other with what we do, so much sometimes that we cannot help.
It's sad , that we can abandon each other in such a way, yet I am guilty of it.

Seeing someone throw themselves against a wall, kicking and screaming to no avail scared me.
Not because I was scared of what they'd do to me, but what they'd do to themselves and I was scared to find out the reason why such emotion was being shown.

After they stopped and left without being comforted by any of the estimated 80 people, people started to laugh. People started to talk. People started to shake in fear.
The thing that angered me was the comments that were being said. No one was brave enough in that moment, yet everything being said, was phrased to make them sound heroic.
I wanted to get up and scream too. To throw myself against the wall and tell them to shut-up.
They have no right to do that. They did nothing. They deserve no praise.

I hope the man is okay. I hope that someone found and comforted him as I could not.
Next time someone tries to be heroic, I will personally hand them a gun and tell them to save the world.
I know they'll just pass it back.
No one wants that responsibility, but we all pretend we do.

Kimberley Doreen x

1 comment:

  1. OK, well Kim what can I say about this piece other than it is BLOODY AMAZING! You truly are a gifted writer and if you pursue another job other than writing. THEN I WILL BE VERY DISSAPOINTED!! And also the world would have lost an amazingly gifted writer. This piece caught my eye because of the fact that it portrays the full truth. No one on this earth really wants to handle responsibility; we all just want to live our lives to the fullest without accepting any of the responsibilities or consequences.
    xoxo Christine :)
