Thursday, September 23, 2010

Please don't taint our air of truth.

Nothing every remains secret for long.
So why do people even bother? Why not tell the truth to begin with?
Because there are things we don't want to share. We're kind of selfish like that

Today, a secret revealed itself. You could say it made me upset, angry and maybe even embarrassed.
Yet I am glad.
Because I now know what the secret is, and isn't that what we all want to know?
You can say no, but we all know, that as soon as you discover there is secret, temptation will drive you to uncover it.
It's like an irritating bug that can't be squashed. You know, like a mozzie, always biting, leaving you with more reason to kill the bugger.
So I killed the mozzie. And I'm bloody thankful for it

It sucks that my air of truth was tainted. But hopefully by tomorrow, the air we breathe now, has blown by and we are breathing a fresh, new gust.
I know my gust will come, but right now, the air is still...

Nothing remains secret for long
And although the there are two sides to every story, only one is truth.

Was listening to "poisen in our pockets" by Whiltley when writing
Check'em out.

Laters, Kimberley Doreen x

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